How does making a report work?

It starts with a report...

1. Report

Goed Verhuurderschap is an accessible organization where tenants can report all their concerns about their rental situation. This can be done free of charge and anonymously*. These reports are answered within 72 hours, tenants then receive advice or are asked follow-up questions to clarify the report.

* Although it is possible to report anonymously, the Meldpunt cannot conduct an investigation without information.

2. Investigation

With the information provided, the Meldpunt will investigate whether landlord and/or rental intermediary has violated basic standards related to the Good Landlord Act. This investigation may take several weeks, depending on the information. After the investigation, the tenant will receive the outcome of this investigation and the advice to take further steps.

Should the investigation reveal that there is no violation of a basic standard, but another complaint, such as excessive rent or maintenance defects, the Meldpunt will provide information on a possible referral.

3. Enforcement

If the report is well-founded, the Maastricht has the possibility to share the contents of the report with the Municipality of {gemeenteName}, Department of Enforcement and Supervision through an enforcement request.

This request is further processed by the employees of the Municipality on which they will act. Hereby they will give the landlord and/or rental intermediary a warning, administrative

4. Referral

If the investigation shows that there is no violation of a basic standard, but that there is another complaint, such as excessive rent or maintenance deficiencies, the Meldpunt will provide information about a possible referral.

The Meldpunt cooperates with (local) partners, including the Rent Team South Limburg and the Legal Counter, but also the social lawyers. A warm referral (so that the information provided is shared) is possible upon request.

What we don't do.

Goed Verhuurderschap Maastricht is not authorized to take reports regarding the complaints below, but can make a referral to regional or national support agencies, regarding:

  • Excessive basic rents;

  • Maintenance defects in the housing unit and the repair of these maintenance defects;

  • Neighbor nuisances;

  • Complaints about public spaces and/or public order;

  • Scams, such as online scams.

If you want to make a report, please click the button below.

Make a report